Improved Varieties
PCB 164 - This is dual
purpose composite variety having medium thick stalks and
flexible stem with average plant height 207 cm. It matures in
80 days. This variety has long cylindrical dense ears having
27-28 cm length and 8-10 cm girth. The grain are medium bold
and light slate in colour. The average grain yield is 15
q/acre. It is highly resistant to downy mildew.
PHB 47 - This
thick-stalked, broad-leaved hybrid has delayed senescence and
attains an height of about 2 meters. Its ears are about 35 cm
long, compact and profusely bristled. It bears 2 tillers and
matures in about 85 days. The grains are medium bold and slate
in colour. It is highly resistant to downy mildew and has
slightly better tolerance to ergot and smut diseases. Under
irrigated conditions, its grains yield is about 13 q/acre.
PCB 141 - the plants
of this dual purpose composite has medium thick stalks with
broad leaves. The plants attain a height of 215 cm. Its
plant-parts remain green till ear maturity. It bears 2
effective tillers per plant. It matures in about 84 to 88
days. It has compact ears having about 24-27 cm length and 8.5
to 9.8 cm girth. The ears are non-bristled and mostly
cylindrical with a few of conical shape. The anthers are
mostly creamish with a small frequency of purple. Its grains
are medium bold and slate in color. It is tolerant to downy
mildew, ergot and smut diseases. It gives about 50 q/acre dry
fodder yield. Its irrigated crop gives about 12 q/acre. It is
highly resistant to downy mildew.
FBC 16 - It is a
composite variety exclusively meant for fodder production. It
flowers 8-10 days later as compared to other varieties and
hence provides green fodder for a longer period. Its plants
attain an average height of about 235 cm and have long and
broad leaves which remain green at maturity. It is
comparatively resistant to major diseases. In quality, it has
higher voluntary dry matter intake and contains low amount of
oxalates. Its average fodder yield is 230 q/acre.